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High School Resources

High School Student Resources

North Haven Public Schools' Summer Reading & Math Assignments

Elementary School Assignments - Entering  Kindergarten -5th grade

Middle School (Entering 6th -8th grade)

MS Reading Assignments

MS Math Assignments

High School (Entering 9th-12th grade)

HS Reading Assignment

HS Math Assignments

Test Prep

Take practice exams and get tutoring on sections that you need help with.

To access test prep in JobNow, follow these steps:
  1. Click here to go to JobNow's SkillSurfer Page

    1. You will be prompted to log in with your library card number​

  2. Click on the headings to access the test prep below:

    1. College Entrance Test Prep:​

      1. AP placement test prep​

      2. PSAT test prep

      3. SAT test prep

      4. ACT test prep

      5. CLEP prep

      6. THEA

      7. TOEFL iBT

      8. TOEIC

      9. Nursing entrance exam prep

    2. College Placement Test​

      1. Accuplacer​

    3. College​

      1. English ​

      2. Math

    4. Graduate School Entrance Test Prep​

      1. GRE test prep​

      2. GMAT test prep

SAT Prep

Khan Academy has partnered wit the College Board to provide SAT prep including personalized practice, 8 full-length practice tests, math practice, reading and writing practice, a tailored practice plan, interactive practice with instant feedback and progress so you know where you stand, test taking tips and strategies.

**JobNow is for North Haven residents only and must be accessed through the North Haven Memorial Library's website. To use these resources you must use in the library OR log in using your North Haven library card. KhanAcademy is available to everyone.

High School Students - Research

  • Simple search that quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays and primary source documents to help students feel successful in their research

  • High-quality articles licensed from reputable publishers, recognized by library professionals and selected for use in a school environment

  • Easy-to-browse categories organized by popular topic to give students research ideas

  • Topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research

  • 60,000 top videos from the Associated Press, the world’s leading news agency

  • Option to include your library's subscription to EBSCO eBooks

  • Colorful, mobile-friendly design with feature areas that provide context to students

  • Reading level indicators (Lexile Measures) to simplify discovery of grade-appropriate content

  • Text-to-speech for HTML articles to assist struggling readers or those learning English

  • Full-text translation available in more than 30 languages for HTML articles

  • Password-protected personal folders that allow students to save search results in a secure and organized holding area

  • The ability to view, save, print and e-mail citations for chosen articles in many different formats directly from Explora

This comprehensive database provides full text for:

  • More than 170,000 biographies and primary source documents

  • Hundreds of reference books (including the Columbia Encyclopedia and the CIA World Fact Book)

  • An image collection containing photos, maps, flags and color PDFs

  • Expanded full-text backfiles (back to 1975) for key magazines.


MAS contains full text articles from top high-school magazines including:

  • America's Civil War, American History

  • Archaeology

  • Astronomy

  • Bioscience

  • Civil War Times

  • CollegeXpress Magazine

  • Congressional Digest

  • Discover, History Today

  • Nation

  • National Review

  • New Republic

  • New Scientist

  • Popular Science

  • Science News

  • Scientific American

  • Smithsonian

  • World War II

  • And much more

Book Collection: Nonfiction - High School Edition contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 2,700 nonfiction titles on careers, health, life skills, ethnicity, disabilities, adventure, sports, technology, biographies, music, science, history, civics, and more.

Explora, MAS Ultra and Non-fiction High School Book Collection are provided by the State of Connecticut and are available to any Connecticut resident with a current library card.  To use these resources you must login using your current library card number.


Other Useful Databases

A multi-disciplinary database with coverage of all aspects of academic study and general interest subject areas. Includes more than 4,300 full-text magazines and journals and nearly 250 full-text newspapers and newswires, and over 2,900 full-text reference books and encyclopedias.

Contains full text for tens of thousands of articles from diverse sources, including international newspapers, EBSCO's collection of periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets and government information.

MasterFILE Premier provides full text for magazines, reference books, and primary source documents and an Image Collection with photos, maps and flags.

For upper grades. Topics covered include biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.

A comprehensive Spanish-language database with 49,000 encyclopedia entries; 50,000 images; 2,500 health reports; a Spanish-English dictionary and full text for over 100 reference books and dozens of general interest magazines in a broad array of subject areas. Its intuitive, theme-based Spanish-language interface is designed to make content readily accessible to non-English users with limited online research experience.

Contains many of the top-ranked biographical reference collections and magazines. Offers a comprehensive collection of full-text biographies as well as thousands of unique narrative biographies.

Offering the original profiles of Current Biography and World Authors series, the periodical coverage of Biography Index, and the specialist biographical content of Junior Authors & Illustrators. Search result limiters include occupation/activity, gender, place of origin, birth day or month, and lifespan.

Scholarly, government and general-interest titles include content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize these effects.

For upper grades, secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges and undergraduate research. Full text for more than 1,990 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books from leading history publishers

Main File, Topic Search, Master File, Science Reference Center, Referencia Latina, Biography Reference Center & Reference Bank, Green Fie and History Reference Center are provided by the State of Connecticut and are available to any Connecticut resident with a current library card.  To use these resources you must login using your current library card number.

Connecticut History

Stories about the people, traditions, innovations, and events that make up the rich history of the Nutmeg State, with weekly updates.

(Formerly Connecticut History Online) Contains history-related documents, images, maps, audio and video from libraries, archives, museums, galleries, historical societies and other cultural heritage institutions in CT.

Connecticut historical documents from World War I.

Connecticut, Connecticut History Illustrated and Remembering World War One are provided by the State of Connecticut and are available to any Connecticut resident with a current library card.  To use these resources you must login using your current library card number.


College Major/Career Path Guidance

Are you a recent graduate searching for what                   to do with your education? 

Help determine your career path with eParachute:

  • Discover your most loved strengths

  • Discover the type of people you like to work with

  • Find your favorite fields of knowledge

  • Explore hundreds of potential career paths

  • See how well careers match what you love to do most

Computer & Search Skills

Computer & Search Skills provides quality and innovative online learning
opportunities to anyone wishing to improve upon their skills in technology, literacy, math, design, jobs and more!  The entire concept behind what they do is to educate learners and empower them to have the
skills necessary to be successful in both work and life.

And it’s all completely free. You do not need to create an account to use it.

Learn more below:

To Access this section of JobNow, follow these steps:
  1. Click here to go to JobNow's SkillSurfer Page

    1. You will be prompted to log in with your library card number​

  2. Click on the headings to access the computer and search skill prep below:

    1. Online Research Skills​

      1. Videos​

      2. Lessons

    2. Computers and Technology​

      1. Microsoft:​

        1. Word​

        2. Excel

        3. PowerPoint

        4. Outlook

      2. Computer Programming Languages:​

        1. C++​

        2. JavaScript

        3. Java Certification

        4. SQL Certification​​

Test Prep

College Application Guidance

To Access this section of JobNow, follow these steps:
  1. Click here to go to JobNow's SkillSurfer Page

    1. You will be prompted to log in with your library card number​

  2. Click on College Now to access:

    1. Intro to the college application

    2. How to apply

    3. Steps after application​​

**JobNow is for North Haven residents only and must be accessed through the North Haven Memorial Library's website. To use these resources you must use in the library OR log in using your North Haven library card.

College Application Guidance
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17 Elm Street

North Haven, CT 06473

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