The Library is CLOSING at 3:30 pm on Saturday due to the inclement weather.
The Library will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents Day.

Summer Reading 2024

Want to learn more?
Watch the video below!
Residents of North Haven – You will need to provide child’s or parent’s library card in order to join.
Children of Town of North Haven employees – You will need to provide your Town I.D. number to join.
Grandchildren of North Haven residents – You will need to provide your grandparent’s library card to join.
Non-Resident North Haven public school students – You will need to provide child’s or parent’s library card from your home library in order to join.
How to Participate:
Children entering Kindergarten through 5th grade must register using North Haven Library’s app Beanstack. Registration begins on June 1st, but reading and logging starts on June 17th through July 26th.
If you have any questions, a staff member in the Children's Department will be happy to help you.
Download the App
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten: Super Happy Magic Summer 2024 for Ages 0-4 (see below Prize Shop for more info)
Children's Summer Reading 2024 for children entering Kindergarten through 5th grade in September 2024
Children's Summer Reading Club for Kindergarten - 5th Grade
The Rules are Simple:
Create an account with or log into our free Beanstack app. All Summer Reading will be logged through this app, this year we will not have any paper logs.
Starting on June 17th, read for 20 minutes a day, every day for 30 days. Be sure to log your reading into your Beanstack account.
Visit the library to play our life-sized, interactive enchanted forest-themed game. You will play one station for each day that you have read 20 minutes or more.
You will earn coins and mini prizes along the way by unlocking badges. You will be able to collect your mini prize any time after you've unlocked them. You will save your coins and spend them at our prize shop starting July 29th @ 10:30am through August 3rd @ 12:30pm. The prize shop will close promptly at 12:30 on Saturday, August 3rd, so be sure to stop in before then.
*You must unlock your badges by the last day, July 26th before 4 P.M. After that date, you will not be able to unlock any more badges.
Prize Shop days/hours
Located at the Children's Circulation Desk
Monday, July 29th 10:30am – 7:30pm
Tuesday, July 30th 10:30am – 5:30pm
Wednesday, July 31st 10:30am – 5:30pm
Thursday, August 1st 10:30am – 7:30pm
Friday, August 2nd 10:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday, August 3rd 10:30am – 12:30pm
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I read longer than 20 minutes? Yes, but 20 minutes is all we require.
If I read 60 minutes does that count for 3 days? No, you can read for as long as you want, but it only counts for one day.
Do I have to read every day? No, but each day that you read allows you to progress one space forward. However, the only way to play the entire game and earn the most amount of points is to read all 30 days.
I cannot read yet. Can someone read to me? Yes. Anyone can read to you!
Do I have to read Library Books? No, you can read anything! We have a great collection for you to explore, but any reading counts.
How often should I come to the library for Summer Reading? We suggest visiting the library once a week for Summer Reading.
What happens if I lose my reading chart? There are no reading charts this year, all Summer Reading will be logged through our app Beanstack. Please contact us for any help you need with the app.
When can I collect my prizes? You can come to the library to collect your mini prizes any time after you unlock them. You can buy your big prizes at the Prize Shop during the dates/times listed below.
Prize Shop days/hours
Located at the Children's Circulation Desk
Monday, July 29th 10:30am – 7:30pm
Tuesday, July 30th 10:30am – 5:30pm
Wednesday, July 31st 10:30am – 5:30pm
Thursday, August 1st 10:30am – 7:30pm
Friday, August 2nd 10:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday, August 3rd 10:30am – 12:30pm
Do I have to log into the Beanstack app and log my minutes every day? No. You can if you would like (and we think that makes tracking your reading easier). However, you are able to back date your reading logs to count for a day that has already passed. So you can log your reading at any point in time. Just make sure you do your reading every day.
Is there a program for children birth to four? Yes! Check out out 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten: Super Happy Magic Summer 2024.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten: Super Happy Magic Summer 2024
Summer Reading Club for ages 0-4
The Rules are Simple:
This program is designed for children ages birth to pre-kindergarten to encourage life-long reading habits.
Earn digital badges and a free board book for each 100 books you read together! Plus, as a special Super Happy Magic Summer bonus, your child will earn an adorable rubber ducky when you come in to collect your free book during the months of June and July. *These bonus duckies MUST be redeemed during the months of June and July only.
Children ages birth to pre-kindergarten must register using North Haven Library’s app Beanstack.
A staff member in the Children's Department can help you sign up.
For more information, click here!
Additional Recommended Early Literacy Activities:
Read a book together. Point to the pictures and name objects.
Ask your child questions about a story, e.g., “What happened first?”, “What will happen next?”.
Borrow a music CD and sing a new song.
Listen to a digital book via iVox by visiting and clicking the iVox icon.
Read a book before bedtime.
Clap or shake an instrument to a rhythm or song.
Let your child draw a picture and talk to them about what they drew.
Say and practice a finger play or nursery rhyme.
Sing the alphabet song together.
Attend a library program together.
Write a letter of the alphabet and show your child how to trace it with their finger.
You are your child’s first teacher!
Studies have shown that children with an environment rich in sounds and letters enter school ready to learn.