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Summer reading adult
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Join the Hunt in our Cryptid Forest!
Registration begins on Saturday, June 15th.

Program runs Monday, June 17th through Saturday, July 27th.

Adults ages 18+, open to residents and non-residents         

How to Participate:

  • Adults must register in person at the Summer Reading Kickoff Fest OR at the Information Desk in the Adult Department, OR online with the Beanstack App starting on June 15th. You will be given your Summer Reading Trail Map during registration.

  • A staff member will assist you in signing up and answer any questions you might have at the time of registration.


The Rules are Simple:

​1. Register and pick up your Summer Reading Trail Map.
2. Complete each tasks and mark them off.
3. Each item can only be used to complete one box.
4. For every completed task, you will be giving one raffle ticket toward a prize basket.
       A. There are extra activities you c
an complete to earn extra raffle tickets throughout the library.
5. Enter your tickets to win for a prize basket.
There will be a new prize basket each week. The winner will be contacted the following Monday and will have one week to pick up their prize. All entries will be submitted toward a special second chance raffle at the end of Summer Reading!
Ready to get started? Download the Beanstack Tracker app!
Once you get the app, find our library's site by searching "North Haven Memorial Library."
Sign in or create an account and you'll be good to go.




Frequently Asked Questions:


Do I have to read for a certain amount of time? Our goal this year is to get you reading/watching/listening all the items the library has to offer.

Do I have to read every day? You do not have to read every day. Although, we think it is a great idea if you do!

Do I have to read Library Books? Yes. The goal is to familiarize you with the library and our collection!

How often should I come to the library for Summer Reading? We suggest visiting the library once a week for Summer Reading to complete as many boxes on your Summer Reading Trail Map as possible. Always remember to bring your sheet!

What happens if I lose my Summer Reading Trail Map? We can provide you with a new sheet and mark off the sections that you have already collected raffle tickets for. But we highly suggest that you keep it in a safe place!

Special Thanks to Our Program Sponsor:

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