The Library is CLOSING at 3:30 pm on Saturday due to the inclement weather.
The Library will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents Day.
Library Display Policy
Public Computer and Wireless Internet Access Policy
Click on policy name in list below to go directly to the full policy
Library Mission
The mission of the North Haven Memorial Library is to provide library resources and services to address the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community of North Haven.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement
The North Haven Memorial Library embraces and acknowledges the diversity in our community and workforce, including the differences in race, ethnicity, language, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic status, military status, physical or mental ability, or disability.
The North Haven Memorial Library demonstrates its support by:
Developing and implementing programs and services that incorporate the differences that make us a community, ensuring fair and equitable treatment with access to all resources and programs.
Creating a safe workplace environment in which employees’ voices can be included, heard, valued, and treated with respect.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors January 19, 2023
Per the Material Selection and Deselection Policy, the Library and the Library Board of Directors endorses and upholds the principles of the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement.
Click below to read each statement.
Bulletin Board Policy
The Library bulletin boards are used to post announcements of educational, informational, and cultural interest to the community.
Placement of posters is based on space available, time of the event, and the length of time the Library has had the material.
Preferred size is 8 ½” x 11”, not to exceed 8 ½ x 14” in size. Exceptions may be made by the Library Director.
The bulletin board in the Children’s Department is intended for that department’s activities and flyers.
The electronic bulletin board is for Library use only.
The Library will not display the following:
Commercial, personal, or profit-making information.
Religious, political, or social points of view.
Posting flyers does not imply Library endorsement.
Long term postings will be displayed as space permits.
The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation of the material and may be disposed of by the Library staff as needed.
Signs posted on the Library doors, windows or elevator will be for Library information and programs only. As needed, special Board and Commission notices for the Town of North Haven may also be posted in these locations.
Any materials to be posted anywhere in the Library must be posted and removed by the Library staff. Any questions with regard to removing material will be addressed by the Director of Library Services. If his/her decision is challenged by the party involved, it will be taken to the Library Board of Directors for a formal discussion and decision.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors May 15, 2008
Revised November 17, 2016
Cell Phone Policy
The use of cell phones in the Library can often prove disruptive to patrons and staff. The use and provision of Library services and the conduct of Library business is of the utmost importance.
Cell phones are to be either turned off or the ringer set to vibrate (silent) upon entering the Library.
Patrons making and receiving calls must do so in the area designated for cell phone use.
Refusal to comply with this policy or its intent may result in expulsion from the Library.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors March 20, 2003
Revised November 17, 2016
Circulation Policy
General Information
Any resident of North Haven is entitled to a library card, to borrow books and materials from our circulating collection, and to access online resources. Loan periods are established to allow adequate time for borrowers to use materials and to provide timely loan of materials in high demand. Borrowers assume responsibility for payment of fees or fines for designated materials returned late or those that are lost or damaged.
Library Card
Eligibility and Registration:
A library card is issued without charge to anyone who lives in North Haven. To qualify for a library card, one must provide proof of North Haven residence. Any form of photo identification listed below is accepted for this purpose:
Valid Photo ID:
Current CT driver’s license or state ID (issued by DMV) listing a North Haven residence
Current Passport listing a North Haven residence
Current Military ID listing a North Haven residence
Current School ID listing a North Haven residence
If you are a North Haven resident but your current photo identification is from out-of-state or lists an address outside of North Haven, you may still register for a library card by furnishing additional secondary documentation to prove North Haven residence.
Secondary Proof of Residence:
Current Connecticut motor vehicle registration
Current telephone or utility bill
Current item of mail with North Haven address
Checkbook with name and address imprinted
Current student report card or school schedule with North Haven address
Other official document showing North Haven address
Cards are issued for a five-year period. To update expired library cards, users must present valid photo identification as listed above.
Patrons 18 and Under:
A card is issued to library users 18 or under with a parent/legal guardian and the child present. The parent/guardian must have a valid photo ID as stated above and proof of North Haven residency. By registering a minor for a library card, a parent/legal guardian agrees to accept legal responsibility for the return of their child’s library materials and to accept financial liability for the child’s library fines and other charges.
Library cards will be issued to users age 16 – 18 without a parent/legal guardian if the user has a valid photo ID with proof of North Haven residency.
If a child is part of a joint custody situation, two different cards may be issued in that child’s name if requested. Each card will have the identification information of the parent/guardian’s license number present at the time of registration listed in the record. The parent/guardian listed in the record will be held responsible for that card. A note will be attached to the record that states the following: Joint custody card: Parent/Guardian in record takes responsibility for items on this card only.
Parents/legal guardians who wish to obtain access to a minor’s library records must provide the child’s library card. If the child’s card is not available, the parent/legal guardian must provide identification that matches the information in the parent/guardian field of the minor’s record.
Check Out and Account Access Requirements
When visiting the library, registered library card holders can only use their library card or a valid photo ID to check out materials or access their library account.
Town Businesses and Group Homes
Businesses and Group Homes located in North Haven are eligible to receive a Business or Group Home Library Card at no cost. This card provides access to North Haven Memorial Library’s online databases and circulating collections. The card will be issued to the owner or officer who has the authority to assume financial responsibility for damaged or lost material fines. Requests for a Business Library Card or Group Home Library Card must be made on business letterhead and accompanied by a document showing proof of responsibility/ownership. Acceptable items include a tax bill, lease agreement, or utility bill reflecting the name of the business
Owners/Officers may designate up to two additional employees who are allowed to borrow materials on the Business or Group Home account. All Business and Group Home accounts require either the library card or a valid photo ID as listed above to be presented at the time of checkout.
The Business and Group Home Library Cards may only be used in the North Haven library to check out materials or to access North Haven library’s online resources remotely. It may not be used to check out materials at other libraries or to request interlibrary loans outside of the LION consortium. Business and Group Homes are not permitted to borrow Museum and Entertainment Passes or Technology Equipment.
Business and Group Home cards are issued for a one-year period.
Town Department Cards
Departments of the Town of North Haven are eligible to receive a library card at no cost. The card will be issued to the town department on the authority of a responsible party of the department.
Town Department Library cards are issued for a five-year period.
Replacement cards
For each library card registration period the North Haven library will provide patrons with one lost card replacement free of charge. Replacement of any additional lost cards during the same registration period will incur a $2 fee for each replacement.
Limitations on Material Loaned
There are no limits on the number of books or other materials borrowed by patrons, with the following exceptions:
If there is a great demand for books on a particular subject, or for some other reason designated by the library
Limit of one Museum and Entertainment Pass or Technology Equipment checkout per family, per loan period
Museum and Entertainment Passes will only be loaned to Adult patrons
Some Museum and Entertainment Passes may have additional limitations on use. Please check with the pass institution for details.
Technology Equipment will be loaned to Adult patrons
A parent/legal guardian may grant permission to patrons ages 14 – 18 to borrow technology equipment by signing a guardian acknowledgement form and accepting financial responsibility for the juvenile patron.
A courtesy reminder email is sent 2 days before items are due. Eligible items that are checked-out will automatically renew 2 days before they are due. Eligible items are automatically renewed a maximum of two times unless a hold has been placed on the item. Hot Picks, Museum and Entertainment Passes, Lawn Games, Technology Equipment, Interlibrary Loan, and books with holds are not eligible for renewal. Items will not renew if the patron’s library card/account is blocked.
Once items have reached the end of their maximum renewals, they must be returned to the library and cannot be checked out by the same patron for a period of 24 hours.
Library materials may be held by patrons through either the library online catalog or via contacting the library directly. Patrons will be notified by email or phone when materials are available. If materials are not picked up within seven days, holds will be cancelled and the items will either be returned to the shelves or placed on hold for the next patron on the hold list.
Hot Picks, Museum and Entertainment Passes, Lawn Games, Cake Pans, Puppet Sets, and Technology Equipment are not eligible for holds through the online catalog.
With the exception of Hot Picks, all items above may be held for a 2-hour period.
Patrons must call the library to check item availability and to request this service.
Overdue Materials
Patrons will not be charged overdue fines on materials owned by the North Haven Memorial Library with the exceptions of Museum and Entertainment Passes and Technology Equipment. For exempted materials, fines will not accrue on days the library is closed.
The above applies to items owned by the North Haven Memorial Library only. Overdue items belonging to any other LION or Connecticut library will follow that particular library’s lending and fine policies.
Though overdue fines will not be charged, patrons are still responsible for any damaged or lost items. Long overdue items will be considered lost and enter billed status until replacement fees have been paid or the item(s) have been returned.
Lost or Damaged Material
Patrons are expected to return all borrowed material on time and in good condition. Material damaged or lost while in a patron’s possession are subject to the replacement cost.
Assessment of damaged items and replacement fees are determined by the library. Patrons may keep damaged material when the full cost is collected.
If a patron finds material that they considered lost that they had already paid for, they are welcome to keep the item or donate it back to the library. Replacement costs are not refunded.
The library will not accept patron-purchased replacement copies for lost or damaged items.
Suspension of Privileges
On accounts where a total of $25 or more in fines/fees have accrued, circulation privileges are suspended. To reinstate borrowing privileges, you must pay the necessary amount to bring your balance below $25.
Reciprocal Borrowing
Reciprocal borrowing is a cooperative program among public libraries in Connecticut which allows a resident of any town in the state who holds a valid library card issued by their home library to use that card to borrow materials from any public library in the state that is participating in the program. Patrons are required to observe the policies of the lending library which may differ from North Haven when using reciprocal borrowing. These may include differences in loan periods, overdue fines, and processing fees in addition to the replacement cost of lost items.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors September 21, 2017
Revised November 21, 2019
Revised May 20, 2021
Revised January 20, 2022
Revised May 19, 2022
Revised September 15, 2022
Collection Development and Management Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the Library to develop and maintain a strong, well-balanced collection that meets the needs of the community within the limits imposed by funds and space.
The core collection of materials should be current and timely, built on a foundation which has withstood the test of time. The core collection will emphasize popular adult and children’s materials and by selecting and purchasing current high interest items. A secondary emphasis is to select and purchase non-fiction materials that are timely, accurate, and contain useful information.
This policy serves as a guide for Library staff in the selection, acquisition, maintenance, and retention of materials. It outlines the criteria by which these decisions are made and supports the Library’s mission of providing for all segments of the North Haven community a comprehensive collection of recorded knowledge, ideas, artistic expression, and information in a variety of media, including current technology.
Professional Standards/Intellectual Freedom
The Library Board of Directors endorses and upholds the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement.
Public libraries play a unique role in the preservation of democracy by providing an open, non-judgmental institution where individuals can pursue their interests and gain an understanding of diverse opinions. Libraries must continue to play an essential role in safeguarding the intellectual liberty of the public and they must recognize, understand, and support freedom of access. The North Haven Memorial Library’s Collection Development and Management Policy is guided by the principles of intellectual freedom which stem from the First Amendment of the Constitution, affirming a citizen’s right to hold beliefs and to express them. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press also apply to its counterpart, the right to unrestricted access to the expressions and beliefs of others.
Using the aforementioned principles and following criteria for inclusion in our Library’s collection, the North Haven Memorial Library will strive to:
Provide the best materials available to meet the needs and wants, both present and anticipated, of a diverse and changing community.
Provide materials representing a broad range of points of view on public issues, which have political, economic, or social significance
Provide access to a variety of opinions on matters of current interest and encourage freedom of expression
Promote literacy and offer support for lifelong learning for all ages of the North Haven community
Provide material for recreational interest that entertain and enhance the individual’s enjoyment of life as well as to maintain a collection of literary classics
Maintain a virtual collection of resources that is accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
A. Responsibility for Selection
Policy on selection of materials is set by the Library Board of Directors
The responsibility for applying the policy lies with the Library Director
Staff members who are qualified, by reason of professional education and training, will be delegated to implement the policy
B. Criteria to add items to the collection (purchased or donated)
The race, religion, nationality, or political views of an author or creator, offensive language, depictions or descriptions of violence or sexually explicit activity, controversial content of an item, or endorsement or disapproval by an individual or group in the community does not cause an item automatically to be included or excluded from the Library’s collection. The Library will use the following standards in selection of material for Adults, Teens, Tweens, and Children. An item need not meet all of the standards listed below to be included in the Library’s collection.
Reviews in the professional journals and/or recognized award winners
Professional or literary reputation of the author, publisher, or producer
Reviews in popular media
Current interest or permanent value
Importance as a document of the times, representation of an important movement, genre, trend, or national culture, including materials that reflect current conditions, trends, and controversies
Representation of diverse points of view
Local interest
Relation to existing collection and other materials on the subject
Organization and ease of use; clarity, accuracy, and logic of presentation
Treatment of subject for intended audience
Physical durability, attractiveness, and suitability of the format for library use
Availability of materials elsewhere in the consortium or other local libraries
Availability from our contracted vendors
Cost, space, and availability of funds
Appropriateness in a public library collection (see below for content that will not be considered
C. Criteria of materials that will not be purchased:
Textbooks, unless they are the only or best available treatment of a subject
Legal, medical, academic, devotional religious works, and other highly technical works which can be found at other institutions
Rare books, except for works pertaining to the North Haven area, or the State of Connecticut
Audio or video cassettes, slides, filmstrips, and 16 mm films or material in other formats that have been superseded in popular use
Multiple copies of specific materials for special school assignments
Material that is difficult to acquire or is unavailable through public library vendors
D. Children’s & Tween Materials Selection*
The Children’s Department provides materials for children from infancy through fifth grade, ages 0-11
Children’s and Tween material includes, but is not limited to, books, graphic novels, magazines, DVDs, audio books, compact discs, downloadable and streaming materials, databases, apps, toys, educational aides, as well as materials for parents
Children’s and Tween material are kept on open shelves where they are available to everyone
Selection of Library materials, in this and other collections, will not be restricted by the possibility that materials may inadvertently come into a child’s possession. Children and Tweens are not restricted from borrowing any material based on age, content, or department. Children and Tweens may borrow materials from any section of the Library
The Library does not serve as “in loco parentis”. Ultimate responsibility for children’s reading, viewing, and listening rests with their parents or guardians
E. Teen Materials Selection*
The Teen Department provides materials to meet the personal, topical, and recreational needs of students in sixth through twelfth grade
Teen material includes, but is not limited to, books, graphic novels, magazines, DVDs, audio books, downloadable and streaming materials, databases, and apps
Teen material is shelved in two sections in the Teen Department based on content and target age range:
YT, Young Teen, based on the publisher’s target age range of 10 -13
YA, Young Adult, based on the publisher’s target age range of 13 -18
All Young Teen and Young Adult material is kept on open shelves and is available to everyone
Selection of Library materials, in this and other collections, will not be restricted by the possibility that materials may inadvertently come into a teen’s possession. Teens are not restricted from borrowing any material based on age, content, or department. Teens may borrow materials from any section of the Library
The Library does not serve as “in loco parentis”. Ultimate responsibility for teen’s reading, viewing, and listening rests with their parents or guardians
F. Self-Published Material
The North Haven Memorial Library welcomes the growing opportunities that new self-publishing methods offer local writers for expression. Typically, these works have not received reviews in standard published sources and may not meet the criteria for inclusion in its collections (see previous sections). We desire to support local authors while maintaining the standards of the Library’s collection. In addition to the criteria listed in the above guidelines, self-published work must meet additional criteria listed below to be included in the North Haven Memorial Library collection:
The Library may purchase or accept donations of self-published books if the material has been positively reviewed in professional journals or if there is strong evidence of appropriateness and meet the standard of professional, high-quality content
Inclusion in the collection is at the discretion of the Library Director
Self-published family histories or other similar genealogical materials will be added to the Local History Collection at the discretion of the Library Director
G. Special Considerations
User recommendations are seriously considered and are judged using the above criteria.
Three individual requests for a title will constitute consideration for purchase
Duplicate copies of in-demand materials may be purchased based on the number of requests received for a title
Local authors or works of local history will be purchased at the discretion of the Library Director
Works of local authors donated as gifts will be included in the collection if they are consistent with the principles outlined in this policy
In addition to acquiring new materials, it is important to remove from the existing collection those items no longer deemed useful or relevant. This policy provides authority for the systematic and regular evaluation of the existing collection and subsequent withdrawal of worn, obsolete or infrequently used materials and supports the public’s right of access to an appealing and relevant collection. The NHML staff systematically review the collection with the goal of maintaining the quality and vitality of Library resources. Collection analysis incorporates the use of Library data, circulation reports, and other statistical information for continuous collection evaluation, as well as the use of the patron Request for Reconsideration Process.
H. Weeding Criteria
Weeding in this context is defined as the process of evaluating books and other physical materials to determine whether they will be retained, relocated, or replaced. Selection of materials for discarding is based on the “CREW” method, which stands for Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding, and is a professional guide for reviewing and withdrawing materials from each library collection. Materials will be reevaluated and discarded on an ongoing basis by Library staff
Lack of demand, obsolete or erroneous information, and poor condition, i.e., items suffering from water/mold damage or other conditions that make their retention hazardous, will be the main reasons for withdrawing material from the collection
I. Replacement Criteria
While the NHML attempts to have copies of standard and important works, it does not automatically replace all materials missing or withdrawn. The same criteria that applies to original selections also apply to replacements. The decision to replace items is based on the following criteria:
Availability of other copies or editions in the Library’s or the consortium’s collection
Public interest
Adequacy of coverage in the subject area
Circulation of withdrawn or missing item
Availability from library vendors
J. Reconsideration Criteria
Per Connecticut Senate Bill No. 2 Public Act No. 23-101, any library “that does not maintain and adhere to collection development, collection management and collection reconsideration policies that have been approved by the governing body of such library” are in jeopardy of losing all state library funding. “Such collection reconsideration policy shall offer residents a clear process to request a reconsideration of library materials. In the instance of a book challenge, these policies shall govern.”
If after reviewing this policy in its entirety, a North Haven resident would like request that material be reconsidered, please refer to the
Material Reconsideration Policy and Procedure. Please note that any/all items that have been requested for reconsideration will remain on open shelves and accessible to the public while under reconsideration.
* Per the Library’s Unattended Children Policy and Connecticut State Law 53-21:
Parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for the behavior, safety, and supervision of their children at all times while children are in the Library and on Library premises.
Connecticut State Law, 53-21a, Leaving child unsupervised in place of public accommodation or motor vehicle
Any parent, guardian or person having custody or control, or providing supervision, of any child under the age of twelve years who knowingly leaves such child unsupervised in a place of public accommodation or a motor vehicle for a period of time that presents a substantial risk to the child’s health or safety, shall be guilty of a class A Misdemeanor.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors September 21, 2023. This policy combines and replaces the Materials Selection and Deselection Policy and Collection Development Policy.
Code of Conduct Policy
The North Haven Memorial Library encourages the public to use its facilities, materials and services to fulfill the Library’s Mission Statement. The Library’s Code of Conduct Policy has been established to protect the rights of the public and the staff to use the Library, and its services, without disruption. Pursuant to Connecticut General Statues Section 11-20 & 21*, the Library Board of Directors is empowered to make rules of conduct to provide a safe and pleasant atmosphere conducive to these purposes for all patrons.
Patrons must comply with federal, state, and local laws, including, without limitation, those that concern the following:
Refer to Service Animal Policy.
Wheeled devices including skateboards, in-line skates, bicycles, hover boards, scooters, and other wheeled devices that are not recognized as mobility devices for the handicapped may not be used in the Library.
Children/Adults Unable to Care for Themselves
Children under the age of 12 must not be left unattended (refer to Unattended Children’s Policy). Adults who are unable to care for themselves must be attended to and have adequate supervision by another adult at all times. In order to maintain a safe and pleasant environment for children and parents in the children’s area, adult patrons who are not engaged in Library activity which requires material from the children’s area will be asked to relocate to other areas of the Library.
Patrons are required to wear footwear, shirts, and overall proper attire.
Patrons must maintain orderly and safe entry/exit of the Library by not loitering in high traffic areas, doorways, aisles, and stairways.
Consumption of food or beverages is not permitted except in designated areas and at designated functions. All beverages must have lids.
Disorderly conduct or any behavior which disrupts use of the Library or interferes with the Library’s operation is not permitted on Library grounds. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical abuse, harassing or threatening behavior including bullying and cyberbullying, using obscene or abusive language or gestures, and displaying, broadcasting, and/or webcasting content that is inappropriate in a library setting.
Patrons may be asked to leave the premises if they exhibit offensive body odor due to poor personal hygiene or smell of an overpowering perfume or cologne which interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Library by other persons as well as the Library staff while performing their job duties.
Inappropriate Use of the Library Building/Equipment
Patrons shall not use Library study rooms, meeting rooms, restrooms, or any Library property in a way other than for its designated purpose. Library premises may not be used for social gatherings, soliciting, laundering, shaving, hair cutting/trimming, bathing, sleeping, or sexual activity of any type.
Using or abusing furniture or equipment in an unintended manner, including, but not limited to, standing or lying on tables or chairs, or putting feet on any furniture is prohibited.
Library furnishings and materials are not to be rearranged or disarranged by patrons without permission of Library staff.
Entering non-public areas without permission is prohibited.
Unauthorized use of the Library’s computer network or failure to comply with the Public Computer and Wireless Internet Access Policy may result in suspension of Library privileges.
Interference with Staff
Patrons may not interfere with staff members’ performance of duties on Library property. This includes, but is not limited to:
Engaging in conversation or behavior that monopolizes the attention of a staff member for an inappropriate period of time.
Making inappropriate personal comments, sexual advances, harassment of any kind.
Refusing to comply with staff requests.
Lewd Behavior
Patrons may not view pornographic materials on the Internet or via other means.
Patrons may not engage in sexual activity, contact, or any act of lewdness or inappropriate exposure.
Patrons are expected to dispose of litter in the receptacles supplied throughout the Library.
Loud talking is not permitted including, but is not limited to, the use of profanity or other abusive language. Other noises that may disturb other persons in the Library, including but not limited to, noises from electronic, entertainment, and communication devices are prohibited.
Persons disrupting others may be asked to relocate or leave the building.
The Library requires all individuals to set their cell phones to no-ring or vibrate mode upon entering the Library.
Individuals needing to use a cell phone to make or receive calls while in the Library must go to a designated privacy phone booth, located on the first and second floors, an enclosed group study room, or the lobby.
Voices must be kept at a reasonable level so as not to disturb other Library patrons.
Photographing or recording without prior permission of Library Administration and those persons being photographed or recorded is not permitted.
Protection of Library Property
Damaging, defacing, or misusing any Library materials or property is prohibited. This includes disabling Library equipment, changing the hardware or software settings on a Library computer, or using a Library computer for a purpose other than that designated by the Library.
Library staff members may request that users discontinue using equipment if abuse of the equipment is noted or if users are not complying with the guidelines governing the use of the equipment.
Public Health Emergencies
Patrons are expected to observe all personal safety measures and restrictions mandated by the government and/or local health department during a public health emergency while using Town of North Haven Library services. These may include, but are not limited to:
Wearing a face mask/cover while inside the Library.
If a patron is unable to wear a face mask/cover upon entry, documentation from a medical provider stating that the patron is unable to wear a face mask/cover due to medical reasons must be provided to the Library Director (or designee) immediately upon entering the Library.
Complying with social distancing guidelines and observing directional signage and social distancing markers.
Any other health or safety restrictions mandated by the State, Town, or local health department.
Habitually sleeping or snoring in the Library is not permitted, nor is loitering.
Smoking e-cigarettes, vaping, as well as using other tobacco products is not allowed in the Library building or on Library grounds. The use of alcohol, narcotics, or hallucinogens on Library property is prohibited as well as being at the Library under the influence of alcohol or drugs or displaying such behavior.
Conducting a survey, petitioning, canvassing, or selling any goods or services is not permitted in the library or on library premises with the exceptions of library sponsored events (with prior Library Administration approval) and the North Haven Library Friends bookstore. Soliciting funds or signatures, panhandling, gambling, etc. is also not permitted.
Carrying a weapon or anything that can be reasonably construed as a weapon is prohibited on Library premises.
Unattended Bags
Packages, briefcases, backpacks and any other containers are not to be left unattended. Unattended items are subject to confiscation.
The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged in or on the grounds of the Library.
Items should not block access to aisles, doorways, stairways, walkways, elevators, or ramps.
Items may be examined at any time.
Bringing large items into Library facilities is not permitted.
Patrons may not engage in any other unsafe or potentially unsafe behavior or any disruptive behavior as determined by Library staff or security.
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in loss of Library privileges.
Patrons who do not follow the Library’s Code of Conduct Policy may be asked to leave the premises.
They may also be arrested or be subject to other legal action.
*Charter 190 – Public Libraries
Sec. 11-20. Establishment. Gifts. Pensions. Any town, city, borough, fire district or incorporated school district may, by ordinance, establish a public library and may expend such sums of money as may be necessary to purchase land for a suitable site and to provide and maintain such suitable rooms or buildings as may be necessary for such library or for any library which is the property of any corporation without capital stock or for any public library established in such municipality, provided the use of such library shall be free to its inhabitants under such regulations as its trustees prescribe. Any such municipality may receive, hold and manage any devise, bequest or gift for the establishment, increase or maintenance of any such library within its limits and may retire with a pension or other reward any employee of any such library.
Sec. 11-21. Board of trustees. In the absence of any other provision therefor, the management of the public library in any municipality, fire district or incorporated school district which has established such library under the provisions of section 11-20 shall be vested in a board of trustees, consisting of a number divisible by three to be elected in the manner provided in section 9-207. Such board may make bylaws for its government and shall have exclusive right to expend all money appropriated by such municipality for any such library.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors January 1, 2009
Revised September 17, 2020
Revised January 20, 2022
Distribution of Literature Policy
The Library often serves as a distribution point for free literature. Items which fall into the following categories will be distributed on a space available basis:
Information on community activities (examples – senior citizen newsletters, recreation department activities)
Educational materials (example - adult education brochures)
Information on Connecticut points of interest
Local, state, and federal government information
The Library will not display free copies of political, religious or commercial pamphlets, business cards, or newsletters.
The display of an item does not constitute Library endorsement.
Any material left at the Library without permission or which does not meet these guidelines will be discarded.
Items will be made available for a limited period of time and removed by Library staff in order to make room for newer items. Items which are removed will be discarded.
Disputes will be decided by the Director of Library Services and/or the Library Board of Directors.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors May 15, 2008
Revised November 17, 2016
Gift Materials Policy
The North Haven Memorial Library welcomes monetary gifts and bequests.
The Library accepts gifts of Library materials but reserves the right to evaluate them for permanent inclusion in the collection in accordance with the same principles and criteria set forth in the Material Selection Policy. Arrangement for gifts may be made through the Library Director, subject to Town policy.
The Library will determine the inclusion, classification, location, and circulation status of all gift items just as with purchased items.
The Library reserves the right to add, sell, or discard any donated items.
No conditions may be imposed by the donor as to the disposition of the materials.
The Library cannot render a legal appraised statement of value.
A donor must be willing to assign proper and legal title which can include copyright and
Literary rights to all gift books, manuscripts, and other materials that have significant monetary value.
Acceptance of materials that require expensive maintenance or preservation will have to be referred to the Board of Selectman so that necessary maintenance appropriations can be made at the time of acceptance. Original works, crafts, artifacts, furniture, and items large enough or of a nature to be considered permanent and non-circulating will be referred to the Library Board of Directors for consideration before final acceptance is given.
Bookplates or labels may be affixed to gift items indicating the donor or person the gift honors.
The Library reserves the right to refuse any gift.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors March 18, 1982
Revised January 19, 2017
Library Display Policy
The North Haven Memorial Library welcomes local artists and collectors to exhibit their work in the Library.
Display Program Goals
To provide opportunities for community members to present a variety of works of educational, cultural and/or historical significance
To educate the community on a wide range of art, collections and/or displays and increase their visual literacy and encourage/enhance art appreciation
To help local and regional artists to expand their public exposure
To nourish intellectual, aesthetic, and creative growth
Temporary Displays
The Library reserves the right to use its display areas at any time for its own display needs.
Exhibits are limited to a one-month duration, from the first of the month to the last day. Scheduling for all displays and exhibits must be made in advance. In order to make the display areas available to as many residents or groups as possible, no individual or group should expect to exhibit their items more than once a year.
The exhibitor is responsible for the installation and dismantling of their art or displays as scheduled. Labels for exhibit items are furnished by the exhibitor. Labels must be neat and attractive and attached to the exhibit items or on display shelves. Labels may not to be attached to the wall or the display case.
Location Options:
Hanging art in the Community Room
Hanging art above the computers in the Children’s Department
Display showcase in the Children’s Department
Display showcase in the lobby
Tabletop display in the Teen Department
The Library reserves the right to change or remove display locations.
The Library retains the right to dismantle art or displays if the artist fails to dismantle their work as required.
Selection Criteria
The Adult Reference Librarian, Teen Librarian, and the Children’s Librarian, under the direction of the Library Director, are responsible for selecting temporary displays based on the Library’s needs and appropriateness to display space available. Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis.
All exhibits, whether generated by the public or the Library staff will be considered in terms of the criteria listed below. The Library does not accept responsibility for ensuring that all points of view are represented in any single display. Granting of permission to display materials does not imply Library endorsement of content or points of view. Art and display items must abide by all other Library policies.
General criteria for selecting items for display are listed below. An item need not meet all of the criteria in order to be acceptable.
Artistic merit
Contemporary significance, popular interest or permanent value
Prominence, authority, and/or competence of artist
Attention of critics and reviewers
Potential for public interest
Timeliness of material
Relation to existing collections and exhibitions
Statement of challenging, original, or alternative point of view
Authenticity of historical, regional, or social setting
Art and displays must be deemed suitable for display in a public library setting. Works will not be accepted for display if the item is deemed to be offensive to viewers. This includes:
Graphic depictions of sexuality or violence
Works that appear designed to ridicule deeply-held beliefs or to disparage others for their race, religion, gender, sexual identity, ethnicity, nationality, politics, etc.
Art and Displays may not contain:
Advertisements of products or services
Prices of articles for sale
Request for contributions
Petitions or political campaign materials
The Library reserves the right to reject an exhibit that does not meet the above criteria. The Library does not endorse or advocate the viewpoints of the exhibits or exhibitors. Since the Library is open to all, exhibits, posters, etc. which are judged offensive or inappropriate for a public library setting may be rejected by the Director of Library Services. The decision of the Director of Library Services may be appealed to the Library Board of Directors.
Insurance, Security, and Liability
The Library does not provide insurance coverage for exhibit items. Exhibitors are responsible for providing coverage for items exhibited or exhibiting at their own risk. Art and exhibits will be given reasonable care and protection within the limits of the usual operation of the Library. Library staff will not monitor or secure exhibits.
The exhibitor must release the Library from any responsibility for loss or damage to works on display, during set-up, during breakdown, or while being transported to or from the Library.
Request for Removal of Artwork or Displays
After reviewing and considering the guidelines outlined in this policy, if a resident still wishes to request removal of artwork or displays, they may do so by completing the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form, which is available upon request at the Information Desk. The form will be forwarded to the Library Board of Directors. The questioned art or display will be reviewed by the Library Board of Directors in a timely manner. Once a decision has been made regarding the retention or removal of the art or display, a letter will be sent explaining the decision.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors April 17, 1997
Revised May 15, 2008
Revised November 17, 2016
Revised November 22, 2024
Material Reconsideration Policy and Procedure
General Guidelines:
All materials will stand on open shelves, or in the digital collection, equally accessible to all patrons, except to protect a valuable item from damage or theft or for other unavoidable physical restrictions.
Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of contents.
Selections will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of minors. Such responsibility lies with the parent or guardian.
Request for Review of Items on the North Haven Memorial Library Shelves or in its Digital Collection:
Requests for the reconsideration of items in the North Haven Memorial Library’s collection will be accepted from North Haven residents only.
In the case of a request for removal of a material deemed inappropriate by a North Haven resident, or request to not purchase material, the patron may request the material be reviewed by the Library Board of Directors.
To obtain Board review, the patron must complete the North Haven Memorial Library’s Request for Reconsideration of Library Material form.
This form is available upon request.
Material will not be brought before the Library Board of Directors without the completed form.
Items that have been requested for reconsideration will remain accessible to the public until a final board decision has been reached.
The Library Board of Directors will respond to the Request for Reconsideration of Library Material in a timely manner.
The final decision for removal, or request to not purchase material, rests with a majority vote of the Library Board of Directors.
Request for Review of Shared Digital Collection Items in the LION Consortium:
Individual libraries in the LION consortium, including the North Haven Memorial Library, do not have the authority to remove items in the LION collection..
In the case of a request by a North Haven resident for removal of a material from, or to not purchase material for the shared digital collection items in the LION consortium, please refer to LION’s policy.
Inquiries should be directed to and should include the following:
Contact information (name, email address)
Patron’s LION Library
Item information (author/title)
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors January 19, 2017
Revised May 19,2022
Revised September 15, 2022
Meeting Room Policy
Meeting and study rooms at the North Haven Memorial Library are designed to meet general informational, educational, cultural, and civic purposes. The first priority for the Community Room is to serve the community through our library programs and functions that further the work of the library. Second priority will be given to town agencies, organizations directly affiliated with those agencies, and to non-profit groups. Other organizations may reserve the use of the Community Room as the schedule permits. Study Rooms are available to the public for the purpose of quiet study or discussion. The Community Room and Study rooms are available for the community to use following the guidelines set forth below.
The Library Board of Directors subscribes to Article VI of the Library Bill of Rights, which states, “libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use."
Use of the Community Room or Study Rooms do not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs by the Library or Town.
The Library is responsible for providing a safe, peaceful, and respectful environment to the community. The Library Director and Library Board of Directors reserve the right to reject a reservation request if the anticipated meeting is likely to be disruptive to regular library functions, over room capacity, disorderly, dangerous to persons or property, or in any other way inconsistent with any of the terms and conditions of this policy or other Library policies.
All Meeting Rooms
The Library should not be considered a regular meeting place for non-Library or non-local governmental groups.
Conducting a survey, petitioning, canvassing, research studies, or selling any goods or services is not permitted in the library or on library premises. Soliciting funds or signatures, panhandling, gambling, including the sales of tickets, etc. is also not permitted.
The Library building and grounds are a smoke free environment.
Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.
All activities must comply with local fire code regulations.
Meetings and Study Room booking may only be held during the hours that the Library is open. The Community Room must be vacated 30 minutes before the library closes and the study rooms must be vacated 15 minutes before the library closes.
Library equipment use is not part of the room use.
Groups may bring in their own equipment for use during programs, however, the Library will not be held responsible for any damage to this equipment.
Storage of materials before or after a program is not allowed.
Keys to the building are not available to any group.
The Library staff will not take incoming calls for meeting room attendees, except in an emergency.
No material may be affixed to any wall surfaces. Art display equipment may not be used without prior permission from the Director of Library Services.
Persons or groups using the room are responsible for:
Costs arising from any damage that occurs during the assigned time of use.
Organizations using the room must ensure that attendees adhere to the Library’s Code of Conduct.
Proper supervision of all users. Children under the age of 12 may not be left unsupervised in the Community Room, Study Rooms, or Library.
The North Haven Memorial Library reserves the right to cancel or end a reservation early if the library’s policies or Code of Conduct are violated.
The Library reserves the right to close the building in the event of inclement weather or emergency. Any meetings scheduled would be cancelled due to unexpected building closures.
Study Rooms
Study rooms may only be reserved for one hour, twice per week, per person.
Study rooms may be reserved up to two weeks in advance by the public.
Room reservations will only be held for 15 minutes past the start of the time reserved.
The capacity of the study rooms varies. Please check the online reservation system or with a staff member for the specifics of each room.
Children under the age of 12 may not be left unsupervised in the Study Rooms or the Library.
Community Room
The use of the Community Room at the North Haven Memorial Library is primarily for Library related activities. If the room is available, it may be used by groups or organizations devoted to educational, cultural, civic, or other activities of general community interest with priority given to North Haven groups. The room is not available for commercial, religious services, or partisan political purposes. The room may not be used for private parties. The room may not be used for purposes prohibited by Town, County, State, or Federal law. Meeting Room users must abide by the Library’s Code of Conduct.
The Library Director and the Library Board of Directors reserve the right to determine, in their reasonable discretion, whether any proposed use of the Community Room will require police protection. If it is determined that such police protection will be necessary, the group seeking to reserve the use of the Community Room shall be required, as a condition of such reservation, to pay for the cost of this police protection.
The Library reserves the right to seek references of any group before booking the room.
Maximum capacity - 114 standing only, 80 set up with chairs only, 53 setup with tables and chairs.
Only persons 18 or older may sign/submit the meeting room contract. A responsible adult must accompany groups of persons under the age of 18. Children under the age of 12 may not be left unsupervised in the Community Room or Library.
The Community Room may be reserved for a maximum of three hours per event (including setup and breakdown), one event per month. Reservations for the room may be made no more than 60 days in advance.
Meetings may only be held during the hours that the Library is open. Use of the room may not interfere with the normal operation of the Library.
Groups are responsible for their own publicity. The publicity may not imply that the Library or the Town of North Haven is in any manner connected with the meeting except for providing the location.
Groups may not use the Library address as a mailing address, nor may they use its phone number to conduct business.
Kitchen facilities are not available. Permission is required for food.
Groups must procure any license or permit necessary to conduct their meeting (ex. Food or Movie License).
Groups using the room are responsible for:
Setting up chairs, tables, equipment, etc.
Restoring the room to the same condition in which it was found.
Non-library items, including food, may not be left behind.
Failure to leave the Community Room space in the same condition as when the group arrived may result in the loss of the privilege to reserve the room.
Groups agree to hold harmless the Town of North Haven, its Boards and Commissions, and employees for any injuries arising out of use of the Community Room.
These regulations will be interpreted by the Library Director and/or the Library Board of Directors. The Library and the Town of North Haven expressly reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to amend, modify or revise these regulations.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors May 18th, 2017
Revised November 22, 2024
If you are interested in booking the Community Room, please call the North Haven Memorial Library to check availability. Please fill out a request in our online form. Once confirmed, a payment of $30 (in the form of a check or cash) is due one week before the event.
Program Policy
Programming is an integral part of the service provided by the North Haven Memorial Library. Library staff plan and implement programs to support the Library’s mission “to provide library resources and services to address the information, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community of North Haven“ using the following criteria:
Needs and interests of the community
Popular appeal
Historical, cultural, informational, or educational significance
Availability of meeting room space
Background and qualifications of presenter in content area
Supports the library’s collections and resources
Connection to community partners and agencies
Programs must adhere to criteria set up in the library’s meeting room policy. As stated in this policy, “Events involving the sale, advertising, solicitation, or promotion of commercial products or services are prohibited.”
Presenters cannot require signups or collect contact information from program attendees.
Presenters may provide their contact information after a program has concluded so that attendees can voluntarily contact them if they so choose.
Presenters are encouraged to donate a copy of their work to the library for possible inclusion in the library collection. Author talks and musicians may sell their pertinent items only with prior permission from the Director of Library Services.
Registration may be required when space is limited, but pre-registration does not guarantee seating.
The Library reserves the right to deny attendance to programs with specific age restrictions or those who become disruptive to an audience.
The North Haven Memorial Library reserves the right to photograph/record and publish individuals and groups attending library services and programs on social media internet sites, the Library’s website, and newspapers.
Participants may request from a staff member that their image, or that of their child, not be used by the Library for these purposes.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors September 21, 2017
Public Computer and Wireless Internet Access Policy
In order to meet the information needs of Town citizens, the North Haven Memorial Library has established public internet access stations and wireless internet access for personal computers and devices.
Not all sources on the internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current, or legal. The North Haven Memorial Library staff is unable to control the content of the materials on the internet; therefore, the Library makes the following disclaimers concerning each patron’s use of the internet:
The Library and the Town make no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing.
The Library and the Town expressly disclaim liability and shall not be held liable for any material obtained through the Library’s website or its internet access or the use of such material even if the material is unlawful, incomplete, incorrect, or harmful in any way. Use of information obtained from these resources is made at the user’s risk, and the Library and the Town of North Haven shall not have any liability for accuracy or quality of the information obtained through these resources.
The Library does not endorse the content of any material obtained from the internet.
As with most public wireless networks, the Library’s wireless network is not secure. Any information transmitted (including credit card numbers, passwords, and other sensitive information) could potentially be intercepted by another computer user.
The Library and the Town shall not be liable for, and each user assumes the risk of, damages suffered by reason for errors or omissions of the user, of any patron, or any Library staff member. Such damage may include, but is not limited to loss of data resulting from delay, non-delivery, mis-delivery, or service interruption.
In order to receive federal funding, the Library must comply with guidelines in the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)], and filters its computers and access to the internet through its network, to protect against access to obscene visual depictions, child pornography, and/or other material harmful to minors, as required by law. Specifically, as required by CIPA, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes:
Unauthorized access, including so-called ‘hacking,’ and other unlawful activities.
Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
Dissemination and viewing of obscene visual depictions, child pornography, and/or other materials harmful to minors.
As required by CIPA, filters may be disabled for adults 18 years or older who request it for bona fide research or any other lawful purpose. Users may speak with a librarian to request unblocking of a blocked site.
Acceptable Use
The internet resources of the North Haven Memorial Library shall be used only in accordance with these Regulations:
No illegal use is permitted.
The Library’s internet workstations are in public areas and are shared by patrons of all ages. Therefore, all patrons must refrain from accessing potentially offensive information or images.
This includes material that is obscene or pornographic.
It is illegal for Library users to use the Library’s internet access to view, print, distribute, display, send or receive images, text or graphics of materials defined as in the Connecticut General Statues as “obscene” (Section 53a-193*) or which would likely “impair the health or morals” of a child under sixteen (Sec. 53-21*).
Users may not violate copyright or trademark laws, software licensing agreements, or intellectual property rights, or download material (including peer-to-peer sharing) covered by these laws, agreements, and property rights, without compliance therewith.
Users shall evaluate the resources available on the internet and access at their own risk.
Users shall be considerate of other users and their privacy.
Users who release their personal information including personal identification, credit card or bank account numbers, etc. do so at their own risk.
Users shall not install or download non-Library software programs on Library computers.
Users shall not destroy, degrade, or disrupt, any software or equipment. That activity is considered a crime and includes, but is not limited to, tampering with computer hardware and software, vandalizing or modifying data, invoking computer viruses, attempting to gain access to restricted or unauthorized networks or network services, or violating copyright laws or software license agreements.
Parents/guardians of children under 18 are responsible for their children’s use of the internet and the Library staff shall not be responsible for supervising, monitoring, or controlling use of the internet.
The online public catalog is available to all in the Children’s Department, but internet access on any other computer in the Children’s Department is for the use of children 14 years of age and under only.
Per the library’s Code of Conduct policy “Children under the age of 12 must not be left unattended (refer to Unattended Children’s Policy).”
The length of sessions on the public computers is limited. Users may continue to use the computer beyond the session time if computer is available. If someone is waiting to use the computer, the person who has been on for the longest amount of time will be given a warning and logged off.
Users agree to accept these regulations.
Users shall immediately report any security problem or breaches of these requirements to a member of the Library staff.
Training and Education
The availability of Library staff to help users with internet use is limited. Workshops are scheduled to introduce methods for accessing the Internet when appropriate staff time is practical.
Interruption of Service and Maintenance
The Library staff may interrupt patron’s internet use if access is required for Library business purposes, periodic maintenance, technical difficulties, or staff use.
Penalties for Violations
The use of the North Haven Memorial Library information resources is a privilege – not a right.
Any user of electronic information resources who is found to have violated any provision of these Regulations shall be subject to having his or her computer and Library access privileges suspended or revoked.
All users shall be required to compensate the North Haven Memorial Library, the Town, and others for any and all damage caused by their violation of these Regulations.
The Library reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend these Regulations and to modify and suspend internet use privileges.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors November 17, 2016
Revised November 19, 2020
Reference Service Policy
Reference Services Defined
Reference service covers a wide range of services including, but not limited to, research assistance, computer assistance, inter-library loan requests, readers’ advisory, and referral services to other libraries and agencies. It involves conducting a reference interview to determine a person's information needs and proceeding to fulfill it accurately, efficiently, and pleasantly.
Ethics and Standards
The informational needs of every library patron will be taken seriously and facilitated with objectivity, respect, and confidentiality. Staff do not discriminate based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or appearance in providing reference services. When performing readers’ advisory services, patron’s reading preferences will not be judged; however, personal interpretation and recommendation are unavoidable. Service will be provided in a manner consistent with the American Library Association Code of Ethics, the Library Bill of Rights, the North Haven Memorial Library’s Mission and Policies, and copyright law.
The needs of every Library patron will be taken seriously. Everyone will be treated with respect and provided confidentiality. Neither the patron's nor the staff member's personal opinions and beliefs should influence the quality of service given. Staff may not offer their personal opinions on social issues, politics, religion, etc. to patrons.
All information requests will be responded to in a timely manner. If information is available, it is provided to patrons without making a judgment on its moral or aesthetic worth.
Staff will do their best to assist with in-depth reference questions. Depending on the level of the request, staff will attempt to provide resources for patrons to conduct their own research.
Information provided will be obtained from library resources or other reliable authorities.
Reading and interpretation of materials provided is solely the responsibility of the patron. The opinion, evaluation, or interpretation of staff, even when requested, is not given as fact.
Staff will try to anticipate public needs and offer service when it appears needed.
Service to patrons in the Library takes precedence over telephone inquiries.
Telephone and e-mail reference services should be used for short, factual information questions which do not require extensive reading or research.
When reference staff cannot provide the needed information, they may refer the patron to local agencies, organizations, experts, or other libraries.
While the library staff will do their best to facilitate all requests, please note the following limitations:
Advice, analysis, or personal recommendations will not be provided.
Staff will not engage in conversations about their personal lives or debates of a personal nature, including, but not limited to, religious beliefs or political positions.
In order to ensure equal and fair access to library services for all patrons, staff set reasonable limits on the amount of time and level of response given to patron requests for information.
If a request is deemed to require extensive time, North Haven residents can submit a Reference Request Form to be done by the Reference Librarian.​
Due to the nature of these requests, responses may take up to a week or longer.​
Non-resident patrons will be referred to their home libraries or other agencies for extensive information requests.
Staff does not provide proctoring, reviewing, editorial, typing, tutoring, resume, genealogical research, or translation services other than aiding patrons to access library resources.
Staff are unable to offer extended one-on-one technology assistance.
Staff are unable to aid with patrons’ personal devices beyond assisting with access to library resources.
Patrons may not request to work exclusively with a particular staff member.
Staff will not aid with any activities that they know to be, or suspect to be, illegal.
Loan of Reference and Local History Materials
Items located in the Reference or Local History Collections do not circulate. However, some items may be loaned to residents, with library accounts in good standing, at the discretion of the Reference Librarian, Assistant Director, or Director of the Library. No individual volumes of a set or heavily used titles will be allowed to circulate.
Non-resident Use of North Haven Memorial Library Resources
Non-residents will be assisted with Library resources. If the request proves to be beyond the scope of the resources available at the Library, or if the information requested necessitates extensive research by staff, non-resident patrons will be referred to their home libraries or other agencies for service.
Remote access to many of the electronic resources which the Library subscribes to requires a North Haven Memorial Library card. Use is limited to North Haven residents or businesses.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors March 16, 2017
Revised January 18, 2024
Service Animal Policy
Service animals are permitted at the North Haven Memorial Library in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
A service animal is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals.
The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to:
Assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks.
Alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds.
Providing non-violent protection or rescue work.
Pulling a wheelchair.
Assisting an individual during a seizure.
Alerting individuals to the presence of allergens.
Retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone.
Providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities.
Helping individuals with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors.
The crime deterrent effects of an animal’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship are not considered work or tasks under the definition of a service animal.
Individuals with disabilities can bring their service animals in to all areas of public facilities and private businesses where members of the public, program participants, clients, customers, patrons, or invitees are allowed. A service animal can be excluded from a facility if its presence interferes with legitimate safety requirements of the facility (e.g., from a surgery or burn unit in a hospital in which a sterile field is required).
A public entity or a private business may ask an individual with a disability to remove a service animal if the animal is not housebroken or is out of control and the individual is not able to control it. A service animal must have a harness, leash or other tether, unless the handler is unable to use a tether because of a disability or the use of a tether would interfere with the service animal’s ability to safely perform its work or tasks. In these cases, the service animal must be under the handler’s control through voice commands, hand signals, or other effective means. If a service animal is excluded, the individual with a disability must still be offered the opportunity to obtain goods, services, and accommodations without having the service animal on the premises.
To determine if an animal is a service animal, a public entity or a private business may ask two questions:
Is this animal required because of a disability?
What work or task has this animal been trained to perform?
These questions may not be asked if the need for the service animal is obvious (e.g., the dog is guiding an individual who is blind or is pulling a person’s wheelchair). A public entity or private business may not ask about the nature or extent of an individual’s disability or require documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained or licensed as a service animal, or require the animal to wear an identifying vest.
A public entity or private business must allow a person with a disability to bring a miniature horse on the premises as long as it has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of the individual with a disability. However, an organization can consider whether the facility can accommodate the miniature based on the horse’s type, size, and weight. The rules that apply to service dogs also apply to miniature horses.
A public entity or private business is not responsible for the care and supervision of a service animal.
A public entity or private business cannot ask nor require an individual with a disability to pay a surcharge or deposit, even if people accompanied by pets are required to pay such fees.
If a public entity or private business normally charges individuals for the damage they cause, an individual with a disability may be charged for damage caused by his or her service animal.
The animal’s handler will be responsible for any damage to Library or personal property and any injuries to individuals caused by the service animal. Anyone using a service animal on Library property will hold the Library and Town of North Haven harmless and indemnify the Library and Town of North Haven from any such damages.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors September 13, 2018
Unattended Children Policy
Children and adults are welcomed and encouraged to use the North Haven Memorial Library. In order to maintain a safe, orderly and proper environment for Library use, the following guidelines regarding the supervision of children are in effect:
1. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for the behavior, safety, and supervision of their children at all times while children are in the Library and on Library premises.
2. In accordance with Connecticut state law, 53-21a, any child under the age of 12 should have a responsible family member or caregiver in the building while the child is using the Library.
Sec.53-21a. Leaving child unsupervised in place of public accommodation or motor vehicle. (a) Any parent, guardian or person having custody or control, or providing supervision, of any child under the age of twelve years who knowingly leaves such child unsupervised in a place of public accommodation or a motor vehicle for a period of time that presents a substantial risk to the child’s health or safety, shall be guilty of a Class A Misdemeanor.
3. All children, young adults and adults are expected to respect Library property and other patrons. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior will result in the individual(s)) being asked to leave and parents and/or the North Haven Police Department will be notified as deemed necessary by the staff. The judgment of the Library staff prevails when requesting removal of a child from the building in the event of behavioral difficulties. In the case of younger children, parents are expected to remove the child from the building until the problem is resolved.
4. The Library staff is not responsible for the safety, care, or supervision of children of any age, whether in the Library or on Library premises. Children attending a Library program must have a parent/guardian remain in the vicinity of the program area.
5. Parents, guardians, and caregivers should be aware of Library opening and closing times and make suitable arrangements to meet and transport their children.
6. The Library is not responsible for children outside the building who await transportation or who are socializing.
7. The staff will call the North Haven Police Department if a child is left in the Library at closing time and does not have transportation home.
8. Staff will not transport children home or to any other destination under any circumstances.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors January 19, 2006
Revised November 17, 2016
Website Content, External Linking, and Social Media Policy
The North Haven Memorial Library (NHML) website, App, and social media accounts provide information about the library, its programs and services, and access to the library catalog. The NHML’s website and App include links to subscription research databases and external websites. They are assessed by professional librarians using the guidance of the collection development policy, are checked for accuracy and quality of content, and must support the NHML’s mission “to provide library resources and services to address the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community of North Haven.”
The addition of a link to an external website does not reflect an endorsement of the North Haven Memorial Library for any product, service, policy, or opinion. NHML reserves the right to determine how and where external links will appear on its website, App, or social media, i.e., what page the link appears on, and where the link is placed on the page. NHML is not responsible for the content of external websites including databases to which the Library subscribes. The NHML reserves the right to remove any link at any time without notice or cause. The North Haven Memorial Library does not accept solicitations or requests to establish external links for NHML website inclusion.
At its discretion, it is the practice of NHML to limit external links to the following types of websites and content:
At its discretion, it is the practice of NHML to limit external links to the following kinds of websites and content:
Freely accessible information to supplement the NHML holdings, services, programs, exhibitions, and/or events
Federal, state, and local governmental units
Educational institutions including K-12 school districts, community colleges, and universities
Nonprofit organizations including the Friends of the North Haven Library
Museums, libraries, historical, and cultural organizations and similar kinds of established, bona fide organizations that provide resources to residents and visitors
The NHML Social Media sites
Commercial sites of news media organizations providing coverage of a topic of interest to NHML patrons
Commercial sites of sponsors or other contributors of resources to Town of North Haven or NHML events or programs
Links to private, commercial and non-commercial websites will only be allowed if there is a public purpose for establishing the link, and the link is approved by the NHML Director
The North Haven Memorial Library will NOT provide external links to the following types of websites or social media accounts:
For-profit businesses
Non-profit groups not affiliated with a library or Town sponsored program
Containing illegal, libelous biased, hateful, harmful, pornographic, discriminatory, or defamatory content
Associated with, sponsored by, or serving a candidate for elected office or any political organization
Containing outdated or incorrect information
Containing misleading or unsubstantiated claims
Individual or personal websites
At its discretion, it is the practice of NHML to limit social media posts to the following kinds of content:
Library created content including, but not limited to, library programs, promotion of newly acquired books and materials, library newsletter, author talks, library building/ground updates, trivia, patron visits, library participation at offsite events, etc.
Town sponsored or Town Department information and events
Comments and postings from the public are allowed on NHML social media sites and website (if applicable) but may be reviewed by library staff for content appropriateness. The library recommends against posting personal information to our social media platforms and is not responsible for personal information patrons’ post.
Library staff reserves the right to review all comments and postings and reserves the right to delete certain posts and/or remove inappropriate comments that are not consistent with the North Haven Memorial Library policies.
This policy supplements and does not replace other Library policies.
Staff Usage
All staff must abide by the Town of North Haven’s Social Media Policy.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors November 16, 2017. Revised March 25, 2024.